網購結賬滿HKD $400或以上,免本地運費 (不包離島和偏遠地區)





Item #P2807

Used for holding and serving water, whisky, cocktails, and other iced beverages

Connexion, a distinctive barware with modern vintage design and unique sparkling reflection from a crystal-like cut design, is created to connect an inspired imagination to a remarkable drinking experience. Expertly sized in a classic straight shape with a thick wall gives peace of mind in use and handling.

Capacity: 350ml
Capacity: 12oz
Width: 86mm
Height: 91mm

About the Manufacturer

Driven by the passion and commitment to excellence, Ocean Glass is Asia’s leading manufacturer and expertise of world-class quality glassware for homes, HORECA (Hotel Restaurant Catering), and corporate businesses.

What began in 1979 has evolved to a mission to revolutionize the modern drinking and dining experiences. Ocean Glass manufactures high quality glassware for every joyful moment, every occasion, and every business. 

With over 38 years of proven design and manufacturing expertise, Ocean Glass is Asia’s leading glassware manufacturer and exporter to more than 90 countries globally.

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